Well, I know you found work frustrating last week and this is the last thing you need on your plate this morning. But if that job serves your needs, you have to hear me out.
Doing a 9-5 job has its pros, but sometimes, its cons outweigh its pros. You’ve got to show up to work every day, think about what to wear, and smile at coworkers on Monday morning even when nothing is actually funny.
The corporate world is not sweet until you climb up the food chain. Getting up the food chain takes strategic efforts and time. You can start being intentional about your job practice by doing some things right this week.
Try to make your work boss happy with you
Photo Credit: People Matters
Not like you’re a people pleaser but 60% of the frustration that comes with work is because your boss isn’t happy with you. By pleasing your boss, I imply that you do your job ethically and try your best with your designated tasks. Remember, this tip concerns you doing everything ethical in making your boss happy.
Avoid arriving at your workplace late
Starting your day at work by coming in late can be to your disadvantage. You start working on a disorganized note trying to meet up for the time you might have wasted. In this case, it takes a while for you to feel psychologically stable because you have the notion that you need to catch up on something.
Dress confidently to work
Dressing confidently boosts your morale to work well. Dress like a boss man or a boss woman. Don’t allow your dressing to impede you from working well or doing your best. It also makes you stand out from other workers who dress without sparkle.
Keep your workplace tidy
Avoid having jumbled files on your desk. Tidy up your tasks to unclog your mind from taking on burdens. You can decorate your desk with motivational quotes, a flower vase, your family picture, stress balls, or whatever you see fit to be on your desk.
Have a shock absorber for criticisms at work
In the workplace, you’ll be criticized to do better. Your ideas, opinions, or tasks might receive strong criticism. Some of these might be spewed unprofessionally but you have to learn not to let this get you and not affect your work rate. As a mature worker, to navigate the corporate world, you cannot spend time crying in the restroom because your manager rejected your report. However, if the comments or criticisms get personal rather than professional, you might have to report this to the Human Resources department
Be a versatile willing worker
Be willing to take on new tasks that will improve your skill set. When you make yourself ready to do work, it exposes your skills to your workers who can recommend you for a promotion later on.
Maintain a good rapport with your workmates
Avoid being at loggerheads with your workmates. However, you might slow down on the relationship. Make it casual and not too deep because before you know it, you might spend more time at work chatting and gossiping away time. In addition, remember to stay hydrated and mind your business.
These tips are practical tips that can make your week in your workplace delightful and improve your productivity.