Skincare has become a popular trend among youth today, both male and female. Gone are the days when applying just petroleum jelly was all it took to maintain a glow. Now, it takes more effort. With the advent of climate change, the weather is not as favorable as before, making it even more necessary to take good care of one’s skin.

Starting a skincare routine can be simple yet challenging. Expect some disappointments! Your skincare products can be as numerous and expensive as you want—they depend on your budget. The first step before starting a skincare routine is knowing your skin type. You can have dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, or a combination of types. Caring for sensitive skin can be frustrating at first since it may react to different products with rashes or other issues. Patience is key—sample-test products before committing to using them. Understanding your skin type helps you select products that work best for you.

Facial skin is the most delicate and sensitive part of the body, so it requires special care, but don’t neglect the rest of your body. Your skincare routine can be as long as ten steps, similar to the Korean routines, but I recommend a simple routine for beginners. You can add more steps as you become more experienced.

The first step is applying a cleanser, also known as a face wash. It is essential for cleansing and unclogging pores from dirt and sweat. Those with oily skin should cleanse more frequently. It’s also beneficial to use an exfoliating soap regularly. This helps remove dead skin cells and makes the cleanser more effective. Cleansers can be oil-based or water-based. Oil-based cleansers are ideal for removing oil-based impurities and are recommended for people with oily skin. Water-based cleansers, on the other hand, help to remove water-based impurities like sweat. Baking soda has also proven to be an effective cleanser for the skin.

Including a toner in your skincare routine is also important. A toner helps even out your complexion. As Neutrogena (2023) explains, “Toner removes any last traces of dirt, grime, and impurities stuck in your pores after you wash your face.”

For beginners, I also recommend using a Vitamin C serum. According to Everyday Health Group, “Research suggests that vitamin C may help protect the skin from many issues, including sunburn, photoaging, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, sagging, dryness, and an uneven skin tone. Anyone dealing with these skin issues may want to consider adding a vitamin C serum to their skincare regimen.” It contains ingredients that help maintain a youthful appearance.

Next, apply a moisturizer. Moisturizers help plump the skin, making it look dewy and refreshed. They also lock in the nutrients from the serum and toner. Those with dry skin should use moisturizers generously, as they are essential for hydrating the skin. Be sure to choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type.

The final step in any routine is the most crucial: applying SPF or sunscreen. If you skip this step, the rest of your efforts may go to waste. You might not always need other products, but never skip sunscreen. It protects the skin from harmful UV rays and can help reverse sun damage. Everyone should use sunscreen daily.

Skincare doesn’t produce visible results overnight; it takes time and consistency. Use a product consistently for at least three months before deciding whether to continue using it. Always ensure you purchase authentic products and avoid inferior ones that may harm your skin. Just because a product works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. Know your skin type and test products before using them.

In addition to using good products, make sure you eat healthily. Respect your skin by maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A. Always stay hydrated. Avoid overloading your skin with makeup—give it time to breathe.

If you notice any unusual skin issues, see a dermatologist before they develop into something more serious. Your skin is your covering, so cherish it. Avoid exposing it to harsh soaps that strip away essential nutrients.

Skincare should be an integral part of your personal hygiene. Maintain a youthful and glowing look by prioritizing your skin’s health.

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