Sunday mornings are different kinds of strands in the weave of a week. Sunday mornings are a call to consecration, honoring the Maker and Giver of Life. Stereos are blasting worship songs, with listeners humming and singing along to the tunes.

For this Sunday, I bring songs from the Western Coast. They are worship songs that dwell on the goodness of God, the grace man has received as well as the mightiness of God. Let us dig deep into the playlist.

•Owe you praise – Elevation Worship ft Chandler Moore 

This song features the amazing worship leader and songwriter, Chandler Moore. Right off the “When Wind Meets Fire” album shelf, “Owe You Praise” speaks on how only God deserves our praises and how he’s given us so many reasons to praise. I mean, give Chandler a Nord keyboard and a microphone on an Elevation stage and he’s gonna bring heaven down. This is a good song to kick-start a Sunday morning.

•To him who sits on The throne – Don Moen

One of the greatest pioneers of worship music in the entire world dropped an album in 1994 called “Worship with Don Moen”. That sound is evergreen. To him who sits on The Throne comes off the album as a spontaneous song, but it never loses its touch.

•Be still – Travis Greene

PT is short for Pastor Travis. I’d tell you what, when it comes to worship music, this man has poured his heart into songs and recorded his experiences in some of the best songs ever released into the world. PT never misses, and “Crossover: Live from Music City” happens to be one of his biggest projects ever released. It features the song ” Be still” which talks about how all of our struggles and ambitions aren’t what matters at the end but being still and trusting God. What a mighty song of faith and hope.

•Never known – ReFRESH worship 

This song comes in as a praise break and who doesn’t love a praise break? One of my favorites since its release in January. ReFRESH alongside Pastor Naomi Raine has been putting out some incredible worship music and their new album “Revelations, vol 1.” takes it to a whole new level Never Known is an easy top 3 pick on the album. A song that centers on Yahweh is loveable.

•Mistakes – ReFRESH worship 

I said this one time,  I’d never get over hearing Pastor Naomi on a microphone, she’s such a prophetic worship leader, what a voice. She features on Mistakes and indisputably top 5 favorite songs she’s ever written. Mistakes is a song that speaks on how Yahweh doesn’t make mistakes and how he can turn our failures around and make them marvelous. This song is also in the “Revelations Vol 1.” album.

One More Day- Sons of Sunday

When there is a conglomerate of spirit-filled music ministers, you expect an epiphany of songs. This song reflects on God’s love for us despite our shortcomings as humans. It is definitely a must-listen to as it makes believers vulnerable, reminding us of the grace made available for us to commune with God.

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