A new star has risen in the world of Yoruba cinema. “Lisabi: The Uprising,” directed by Niyi Akinmolayan, tells the captivating story of Lisabi, the Egba farmer who led a rebellion against the oppressive Oyo Empire in the 18th century. This historical epic is a visual feast, with stunning cinematography, costumes, and set design that transport viewers to ancient Oyo. Lateef Adedimeji delivers a powerful performance as Lisabi, capturing the character’s courage and charisma. The film masterfully blends historical accuracy with engaging storytelling, exploring themes of oppression, unity, and the fight for freedom that resonate deeply with contemporary audiences. “Lisabi: The Uprising” sets a new standard for Yoruba cinema, offering a compelling narrative, superb acting, and a profound message that will stay with viewers long after the credits roll. Lateef Adedimeji thump up!

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